On February 14th, 2024, the President, Jean-Francois Thony, and the Director General, Filippo Musca, of the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights presented the REACT Project at the Residence of the French Ambassador, in the Hague, the Netherlands.
Aligned with the objectives of the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention, which was adopted on May 26, 2023, as a ground-breaking instrument to address the gravest offenses–genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and other international crime, the Regional Atrocity Crimes Training Platform (REACT) project aims to address regional gaps in the international community’s ability to provide comprehensive, sustained technical assistance and capacity-building to African and Euro-Asian states for the investigation and prosecution of the most serious international crimes.
The event brought together representatives from 37 different countries, including distinguished speakers as the ICC President Piotr Hofmański, the Italian Ambassador Mr. Giorgio Novello, the French Ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr. François Alabrune and the North Macedonian Ambassador to the Netherlands, Mrs. Beti Jacheva.
In his speech, SII President Jean-Francois Thony emphasized the importance of the principle of subsidiarity and reaffirmed the Institute’s commitment to enhancing states’ technical capacity to combat such crimes and uphold the rule of law.